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Image by Fernando Távora
The Sodality of Blessed Carlo Acutis (SBCA) Love for the Most Holy Eucharist, Jesus & Mary, Praying the Holy Rosary, Reading the Bible as our faith expressions and testimony of the richness of our Catholic faith, to be lived and shared    to  others as  SBCA  Catholic Cybermissionaries around the world. 
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St. Carlo Acutis
27th April 2025

Cyber Apostle of the Internet

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9 Days Novena  in honour of Blessed Carlo Acutis 

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Official Website Link of Blessed Carlo Acutis 

Blessed Carlo Acutis  Official
Website and  Links

Image by Bei Ayson



The  Hair Relic of
Blessed Carlo Acutis @ Our Lady of Dolours 
Parish in Fulham,Chelsea , United Kingdam
where BCA was baptised



Calendar of Activities

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The  Heart Relic of
Blessed Carlo Acutis 



“All are born as Originals yet many die as Photocopies”

Blessed Carlo Acutis

Image by Josh Applegate
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Do you need prayer requests or intention? We the SBCA will pray for you, through the intercession of Blessed Carlo Acutis, kindly click the link for prayer requests

New Official English Translation
Prayer to Soon-to-Be St. Blessed Carlo Acutis

Carlo, smile of heaven for this wounded and peaceless world, we praise God

for your simple, joyful and holy life, you accepted with trust to be stripped of your

youth to dedicate yourself in heaven, with Jesus and Mary, to  a mission of boundless love.

Resting with your mortal body where St. Francis of Assisi  stripped himself of every  earthly 

good  you cry out with him to the world that Jesus is all our joy.

Young man, full of dreams, attracted by nature, by sports, by the internet, but even more enraptured

by the miracle of Jesus truly present in the Sacred Host,  help us to believe that He is there alive and

true, the mystical "Highway" that leads to heaven, and teach us to contemplate Him with Mary, in the

mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary.

Explain to us, Carlo, that, beyond every fashion, only Jesus, by uniting ourselves to Him, makes us

"originals and not photocopies," truly free. Grand us to know how to meet Him in every creature,

but especially in the poor, so that humanity may be more just and fraternal, rich in beauty and hope,

to the glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen 

Imprimatur + Domenico Sorrentino
Bishop of Assisi – Nocera Umbra – Gualdo Tadino

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